Our Favorite Google Tools
- Culture

In the past, we’ve talked extensively about Google’s search engine, Analytics, Adwords, and more of what we consider the best Google tools for marketers to use. As a tribute to the Internet and technology giant’s upcoming birthday, celebrated on September 27, today we’re highlighting our team’s favorite Google tools to use on a daily basis, whether professionally or personally.
For Collaboration & Organization: We Love Google Drive
If you’re part of a large team working on a big project, then you need to be familiar with Google Drive. With Google Drive, (previously called Google Docs) multiple users in far-off locations can access and edit the same documents, spreadsheets, or presentations, shared in a cloud environment. No more asking, “Wait! Do I have the most recent version?” and, maybe even better, now you don’t have to beg (or threaten) a coworker to close out a file so you can access it to make your changes.
For a Busy Social Life: We Love Google Calendar
Amethyst, our Social Media Intern offered up her favorite Google tool to use. Amethyst is young enough that she travels to fun places and does cool things. So she loves the fact that when she purchases plane tickets or concert tickets, the dates and events are automatically added to her Google Calendar.
For Those Who Are “In the Know”: We Love Google Alerts
This one comes from me! As a content writer, I need to keep current on numerous and varied industries that range from commercial construction to elementary education and personal finance to digital marketing. Using Google Alerts, I can have the latest industry news delivered to my inbox as it happens, daily or weekly. To create an alert, simply enter a keyword or phrase you want to monitor and you’ll begin to receive emails listing all the latest news and web pages on the subject.
For Artistic Souls: We Love Google Fonts
Our Web Designer, Ashleigh, warns us that not all fonts are appropriate for web use. For example, the font that was used to design your logo may not necessarily translate well into web design. She uses Google Fonts when designing web pages because she can choose from a portfolio of web-friendly fonts that will provide an excellent user experience, all for free. An added bonus – Google Fonts will inform you, based on the number and styles of fonts you choose, how your site’s load speed will be affected.
For Building Web Sites: We Love Google Maps API
Almost every website that our developers build includes a Contact Us page with an interactive map, and this is where they turn to the Google Maps API. With this tool they can build websites with rich map components like customized maps, accurate directions, and street views, all with minimal code.
For Google Haters: We Still Love Android
Our Web Developer, Tim, admits that he’s not a very big fan of Google. But even he appreciates their Android mobile operating system. He’s a fan of the fact that the Android operating system is open source code that can be modified and customized.
Did You Know Google Also Owns…
Zagat Survey
Google acquired Zagat in 2011 and quickly integrated its rating system and reviews into the Google Maps and Google + platforms, making your local searches even more rewarding.
Google purchased YouTube in 2006, just one year after it was founded. It’s now the second largest search engine in the world, with 3 billion searches per month.
Did you know you were reading some of your go-to blogs on a Google product? Purchased by Google in 2003, Blogger continues to be one of the most popular free blogging platforms on the web.
This rapidly growing crowd-sourced navigation app was purchased by Google in 2013. Unlike the traditional Google Maps app, Waze allows its users to add real-time information on traffic conditions, accidents, road closures, or obstructions along the road.
Talk about a hi-tech home! Nest Labs produces programmable, self-learning, sensor-driven, and Wi-Fi enabled thermostats, smoke detectors, and home security systems. They were acquired by Google in 2014.
What’s your favorite Google tool? Do you rely on the popular, heavy-hitters in the Google universe or have you fallen in love with a hidden Google gem? Tell us about it!